刚才下雨了。。。 好开心哦!!! 每当下雨, 就是我唱歌的时候~~~~ 下雨天唱歌感觉就是不一样。。。。 我喜欢那种感觉。。。。 哈哈 !!! 其实在学校唱歌还不赖耶 ~~~ 风好大~~ 好爽~~~~ 好凉~~~~ 尤其是在二楼情人桥。。。。 那边和我有着密切的关系~~~~ 好像分不开~~~ 哈哈!! 嗯。。。 刚才家里也跳电了, 应该是雨下太大了吧。。。。 吓死我了啦~~ 突然间 “碰” 一声~~(打雷) 哈哈!! 我和姐姐都吓到~~~~ 现在想起来还蛮好笑的~~~ 其实昨晚也是停电。。。。。。。 昨晚热死了~~ 11:++ 停电............ until 12++ 才有电~~~~ haha !!! my sis + my two bro 因为太热 so they do 面膜~~~ sweat"""" haha~~ bcs me want sleep liao so no do ~~ but me got go bath again..... bcs really too hot ......... but how i know .... after 20 minute, when they do finish the mask..... i still no sleep ~~~ ==""" (~!@!#$%^&*(%^$$@@~) hai, then 12:++ got 电了 me 才 go sleep ~~~
today is a 普通日子 ...... but still happy ~~~ bcs can hear diok his song ~~~~~ wow, like tis 就幸福 liao........ haha ~~~ 最近 i like to 练笛子...... bcs can practise my 丹田 lol....... thn will sing well ~~~ hehe ~~ today my senior -- 子善 haha !!! he ask 佩璇 i on with who ??? haha !! 白痴 !! me no on la ~~~ he say my fb status put that "为了他,我什么都愿意尝试...." haha !!! that is my show 罗 ok ~~ is 罗志祥 not what bf ok ~~~~~ don't think "senget"..........