
大年初一 ~~ 情人节

so siok........
we "berjudi" at my 小叔 d house.......
when we play the between.....
i had 输 many money arr~~~~~~~~~~
sad lol.........
my 堂弟 also gt play,
he 输更多 money lol~~~~~
pity lol.......
gt one round he get a good card~~~~~
the card was (2 & K)
so his mother said tat get all the money lol......
the total of there d money gt RM90.00~~~
when open the card,
the card was 2!!!!!!!!!
so he should 赔 RM90.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wa!!! geng lol........
so the total money 越来越多咯!!!
gt RM180.00 !!!!!!!!!
bt the money giv my 堂姐 eat all liao~~~~~
RM180.00 arr ...... giv my 堂姐 eat lol.............
After tat we play “89点”
haha!! my grandmother giv my n my 堂妹 RM2.00 to play......
when the end of the 89点,
we had earn RM15.00 !!!!!!!!!!!
so good!!
bt me n my 堂妹 no get my grandmother d money la ~~~
we "pulang" to her liao lol~~~~
bcs actually was her money ma ~~~
how can get your grandmother d money leh ~~~
so should giv back to her d .........
haha !! tat day i had "berjudi" 2 thing ~~~
the first was between & 89点~~~~~

